It’s hard to express the growth and depth that becoming a parent can give to us. We’ve taken on the responsibility for a life, and made a sacred commitment to raising our ‘good humans’ the best possible way we know how.
Parenting has changed us, shaped us, into something different than we were before. Now we understand how hard it is to change, which gives us compassion for others who are struggling. We may have had to fight for that compassion for ourselves and even struggle for that compassion and understanding for our kids too.
The journey has shaped us to realize that how we show up really matters. We can’t phone this job in.
Parenting has been (and continues to be) the hardest, most fulfilling job life has offered. It’s carved out some measure of depth and wisdom in me and you.
Is it time to share what you’ve learned?

I help myself grow as a parent by helping others grow too. It’s altruistic and selfish at the same time because I get such profound fulfillment from helping others improve their relationships with their kids.
The parents who join me in the Mindful Parenting Teacher Certification program also get to experience this. Here are two of them with their stories:
Nina Visic's Story
“Finding myself as a mindful parenting coach has honestly been one of the best decisions I have made for me and my family.
To know that I am able to make a positive difference to someone's life is truly extraordinary.
When I hear a parent say 'I feel so much calmer now' after going through the mindful parenting course (or even during the course) I am so proud. It feels good to be doing meaningful work, which is going to help current and future generations. It is possibly one of the most rewarding career paths I could have taken.
Running my own business as a mindful parenting coach comes with lots of challenges, however the personal growth that I have experienced on this journey has been amazing. I am proud of the little business I have created and how I am able to fit my life, and my boys' life around my work. The fact that what I teach is so incredibly relevant to my own current stage in life is an added bonus, strengthening my mindful parenting skills more than I knew.”
Nina Visic
Mindful Parenting Coach | Mindful Parenting Lifestyle

Suzanne Vitullo's Story
“I took Hunter’s Mindful Parenting Teacher Training in the 2020-2021 cohort. It was the best thing I’ve done for my parenting and myself since becoming a mom in 2014. The weekly meetings with Hunter and my fellow MPTT moms were such a boost to my week. Being with like-minded parents was so affirming to me. With Hunter’s encouragement I gained the skills to teach this course to other parents.
Hunter is so approachable, real and truly skillful in her own parenting and helping us apply these skills in our daily life. I’ve really internalized reflective listening, I-messages and slowing down to be mindful in my day to day life.
Since diving into the Mindful Parenting Training, I have taught two 8-week Mindful Parenting courses. I gave a talk at my local library, spoke at a parent night at an elementary school and offered Mindfulness in the Garden for parents and kids this past summer. Another highlight has been leading
coaching calls for Hunter. I am looking forward to the next parenting cohort I will teach.
Each week, I looked forward to being with my MPTT group. It was the highpoint of my week. This past weekend, I was in touch with 3 of the women from my cohort group. We created a What’s App group to keep up with one another. We have occasionally Zoomed to meet up together but also encourage one another with messages, parenting ideas and reach out to one another when things get tough. After I completed the training, doing my practicum and teaching the classes was a highlight of my week.
If you are considering this teacher training, then tune into your inner child and your inner parent! There is something about it that is calling to you. I invite you to listen to your heart. You will hone your parenting skills, gain confidence and learn how to teach these skills to other parents.
It has been the best thing I’ve done for my parenting and I am already sharing this with other moms and dads.”
~Suzanne Vitullo, Colorado
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If this speaks to you, if you want to take this profound experience of parenthood deeper, consider joining the Mindful Parenting Teacher Certification. It can be for your clients, your community, or just for yourself and your family. When you do, you join the ranks of those investing in and living out what is most important.