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Laura Thompson-Brady is a dear friend of mine, a soul-sister – and that absolutely comes across in this podcast. We laugh (a lot) and we cry. We go deep into the coping strategies to deal with life’s inevitable suffering… AND you’ll hear us laugh out-loud with the story of Laura’s funky visualization that helped her overcome her fear. 

Laura is the founder of The Nourished Home is a coach, spiritual guide, and sound healer. She helps women awaken to their leadership and creative callings with the larger purpose of bringing more harmony and healing to our families, communities, and larger world we call home.

Find out more about Laura at TheNourishedHome.com. Right now she has a holiday gift for you too! Check it out here.

Our first sponsor for this episode is Choose To Be Nice, where you can use the coupon code, “Hunter20” to get 20% off of anything!

Our second sponsor is my coaching practice! I currently have 3 openings for my 3 or 6-month Yoga Mama Buddha Mind coaching program. Click here to learn more and to schedule a clarity call. 

Thank you so much for reading and listening my friend!

With warmth & lovingkindness,


