Seane tells the story of her life partying in New York City before she discovered yoga at the Life Cafe. Discover her revelations from her very first time on the yoga mat and how it helped her heal herself from OCD.
Learn the differences between the physical-mental, emotional, and psychic-symbolic realms of yoga. “I can’t know love, acceptance and compassion without also knowing rage, fear and guilt. Ultimately, they’re the flip sides of the same coin.”
Learn what shadow work is and how to see our shadows as a gifts. “Empathy will change the world, not sympathy.”
Seane talks about the importance of becoming informed about trauma – what it is and how it effects all of us, especially yoga teachers.
Learn about how Seane’s early conceptions of God lead her to obsessive compulsive disorder. She shares her understanding of God now and how she has reclaimed the word.
Our light must be tested and challenged outside of our comfort zone. It goes beyond the stretch to “the reach.” Hear what Seane is interested in now. And find out her six non-negotiables for being an internationally traveling yoga star.
Find out more about Off The Matt Into World.
Check out Seane’s yoga dvds and more on her website here.
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