Elisha Beach is a birth mom of 3, adoptive mom of 1 and a stepmom of 4 step-“adults.”. Yes, you read that right… 8 kids (and a dog)…a.k.a a professional mom complete with a B.A. in Child Development. Her podcast, the Mom Forum, features intimate mom-to-mom conversations sharing the journey to and through motherhood.
208 Self-Care for Overwhelmed Parents
Elisha Beach
A few years ago, Elisha Beach chose to put out a REAL picture of motherhood: she’s sitting on the toilet, nursing her child. A few days later, a news channel was calling her. She used this sudden platform to be honest about the difficulties of being a stay-at-home-parent and help other moms carve out some sanity in the midst of the craziness. In today’s episode, she shares how she stopped the overwhelm.