Cathy Cassani Adams, LCSW, co-hosts the Zen Parenting Radio podcast and is the author of Zen Parenting. She is a clinical social worker & yoga teacher, and she teaches in the Sociology/Criminology Department at Dominican University. She lives outside of Chicago with her husband Todd and their three daughters.
334 The Secret to Being a Zen Parent
Cathy Adams
Today, we’re talking about the secret to being a Zen parent with Cathy Adams. Cathy is the author of Zen Parenting, co-host of the Zen parenting radio podcast, the co-founder of the annual Zen parenting conference, social worker, certified parent coach, former elementary school teacher, yoga teacher, and she teaches at Dominican University. In our conversation, we talk about how to be a more Zen parent by getting into our bodies, having more open heartedness, and communicating with our kids in an honest way.