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I met Mary Fetterman after attending this wonderful yoga festival in my area, Namas Day. I had to talk to the woman who put this all together, so recently I sat down with Mary.

“I just flew into it,” she says about yoga.

As I sat in her home, I realized that it was so fun to talk to her because she didn’t fit the mold of the driven leader. She’s a mom who started yoga to get in shape and just loved it. She created a yoga festival because her yoga had taught her to ask “why not?” instead of why.

Mary shows us what’s possible for each of us when we get comfortable on that edge.

“Almost everybody changes if you stay with yoga,” says Mary.  She’s a believer that even if we practice yoga just to move the body, there are bigger things that we will take out.

“There are countless ways yoga has affected me and my family. We live more in the moment now. (yoga practice) shows in our whole family. We all understand a little more about accepting things as they are.”

Listen to find out what Mary is quoting to her 12-year old from my yoga class. Find out what else she could give her kids that she’s learned.

Also listen to Mary’s advice for yoga beginners. Good stuff.

 Click HERE to listen! or Listen on iTunes

Meet me there

Mary’s big event for the Philadelphia area is Namas Day, and it is Sunday, October 19th. Check it out at NamasDayPhilly.com.

I’ll be there recording mini-podcast interviews about why people love yoga. Come out and see me and all the great presenters!

Here’s a pic from Joe Longo photography – see if you can find me on the bottom- left.


New Podcast!

This Yoga Stories Project episode is sponsored by my my new podcast that’s currently in-the-works, “Ask a Yoga Mama.”

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While my team is working on the website, you can help make this podcast happen by clicking over to the podcasts page,  and use the right-side bar link to “Send Voicemail.” Then, just ask a question. You may hear it on the air!

Thank you so much for reading & listening to Yoga Stories Project! Please help support it by going over to iTunes to leave a 5-star review. It helps spread the word.

With warmth & lovingkindness,



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