For the vast majority of my life I suffered from deep lows that would visit me regularly. I am a sensitive, “artistic personality” and these pits of despair made a major impact on my life.

Finally, at a major transition point in my life, I started a regular mindfulness meditation practice. At first, I thought I “couldn’t” do it. My mind just wouldn’t settle. Then, I looked back on the past few months of regular meditation practice and I realized something amazing: I hadn’t had any of my pits of despair. It changed my entire life.

Today’s podcast is about how mindfulness practice can help you stay grounded and release your stress during those times of transition in your life.

Present Mama Community is the sponsor for this podcast, which is perfect, because PMC is all about providing you the tools you need to start and sustain your own mindfulness practice. As I mention on the podcast, when you join before June and email me to let me know that you are a podcast listener, you get a bonus 45-minute coaching session! Click here to join now.

I also mention in this episode that when you leave an iTunes review, I will send you a hand-written note to personally thank you! Leave the review, then email me the review (hunter @, and your mailing address. I can’t wait!
