Leslie Priscilla Arreola-Hillenbrand is a first-generation non-Black Xicana with Rarámuri lineage. She is a mother to three biracial children and a certified Parent Coach with over 13 years of experience. Leslie’s vision is of a movement rooted in children’s rights, social and racial justice, the individual and collective practice of nonviolence and reparenting, intergenerational and ancestral healing, cultural sustenance, and the active decolonization of oppressive practices in our families towards liberation.
265 Transforming Your Authoritarian Roots
Leslie Arreola-Hillenbrand
Our parenting styles are strongly influenced by both how we were parented and current societal norms. However, what if how we have learned to parent doesn’t feel right? What if we believe our children deserve more? In this conversation, I talk to Leslie Priscilla Arreola-Hillenbrand about her experience growing up in an authoritarian culture and how she has looked to the history of her ancestry to change the future.